About Us
Welcome to the Green Hub, a centre for sustainable living

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) was selected by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2010 to transform the heritage site, in Hong Kong's New Territories, into a "Green Hub for Sustainable Living" under BatchII of the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme" (Revitalisation Scheme).
The Green Hub has reimagined the Old Tai Po Police Station, a declared monument built in 1899, to demonstrate how we can live sustainably while at the same time respecting nature and respecting each other.
Visitors are invited to enjoy our locally-sourced, healthy food; join one of our transformative educational courses; learn about community events; engage with a network of community members who care about living lightly on our planet; and experience the beauty of this tranquil heritage site.
The Green Hub offers solutions to the challenges facing us in finding harmony with the natural world. Such challenges include the widespread disconnection between people and nature, over-population, an economic order that demands limitless growth, and over-exploits biodiversity and resources, causing the collapse of ecosystems, runaway climate change, and endangers our food security.
Our role is to “help people help themselves” by seeking a lifestyle in tune with nature and with their local community, and for us all to lead lower-carbon lives.